About us

The agricultural company Vantini Brothers, built on the area of Verona, specializes in the production, storage, processing and marketing of kiwi and directly controls all the stages of the supply chain, due to the small business size.

The company has approximately 21 hectares planted with actinidieto located on the outskirts of Verona. Here the crop benefits from exceptional conditions: a humid continental climate, influenced by the sub-Mediterranean climate of Lake Garda, which ensures a smooth and harmonious growth of the fruit, a medium mixture soil, rich in organic matter but with a large skeleton, which allows the roots to regulate their own absorption as needed.

Our story

In the early 70s Sergio Vantini, farmer with the passion of his job and devoted to innovation in the field of agronomy, was fascinated by the kiwifruit growing which was unknown at the time. So he took the first steps to put it on his orchard.

The first results were very satisfactory, but the problem manifested itself during the sale. The kiwi was in fact a new product and the market in Verona was not ready to accept it.

Then in the late 70's the commercial success of the kiwi exploded. It excited the two grandsons of Sergio, the brothers Attilio and Gianantonio, who had joined the company a short time before, and together they decided to convert the entire orchard in actinidieto, increasing over the years the extension, and investing in the business and manufacturing sectors.

Meanwhile, the company developed a big experience and passion for the culture of this particular fruit, which also led to the selection and patenting of a particular variety, obtained by spontaneous mutation of a gem, the Top Star ® Vantini, characterized from a fruit with a clean-shaven and more doughy flesh which was more palatable.

Finally in 2010 the children of the two brothers, Matthew and Alex, both of them land surveyors, joined the company and brought a strong wave of innovation.

Our work

Our work is divided into four stages, each controlled and managed directly by our company: production, preservation, packaging and sale.

The company's production has been favoured not only by climatic factors, but also by a great experience and passion for over 35 years for all the agronomic interventions during the phenological phases as pruning, pollination, fertilization, protection and harvesting. We personally do all the work in respect of the environment and the crop.

Boasting a high quality production, thanks to a fruit rich in dry matter and with the right brix degree, Vantini's company can afford to keep their product for long periods in cold storage by guaranteeing the sale of kiwi up to May.

Even the packaging is arranged to change as little as possible the quality of the fruit; once it comes out of the refrigerator, the kiwi is calibrated, packaged and sold immediately without incurring excessive manipulations that affect the life of the fruit and the spontaneous maturation.

The Kiwi


The kiwi owes its color to green chlorophyll. It contains the actinidina, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory vegetable enzyme which helps digestion and a large number of nutrients and phytochemical compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids. The kiwi is also rich in soluble and insoluble fiber: it can therefore be an effective aid against constipation, thanks to the intense laxative power of the fibers. Not to be forgotten is his power as vasodilator that helps relieve and prevent circulatory problems.

In an American study the kiwi has been classified as the most nutritious among the twenty-seven fruits that are commonly consumed.

When the chlorophyll is ingested, it is converted in composed antioxidants that fight the carcinogenic agents, inhibiting the growth of the tumor cells. The juice of the kiwi can also stop the formation of nitrosamine (prospective carcinogenic agents) from the nitrates contained in the food. This effect is probably referable to the high content of vitamin C that overcomes the citrus fruits' one; a kiwi a day is actually enough to satisfy the daily requirements of this vitamin of our organism.

It is better to eat the ripe kiwi (chlorophyll decreases with maturation) and eat it immediately after cutting to preserve the high content of vitamin C.


The packaging is usually made following two lines of package, inspired by our brands:

Historical packaging line that now is 10 years old, a symbol and guarantee of quality for our customers, who have relied on our work for years. With this graphic, several formats are available to meet the marketing needs of all customers:

The latest line for the elite product of the company, coming from young plants, that produce a kiwi with superior organoleptic characteristics.

We also have a package line to wrap a basket of 1 kg; we are always ready to meet the market demands of our customers.


In the food industry quality has now become a common slogan, so much that its meaning is ambiguous and unknown. Very often we associate quality with products, of which we don't know the origin and the raw materials used to produce them.

A quality product is not only a product that looks good, but a product that meets the standards for all the phases of the production process, that does not deceive the manufacturer and, in the case of fruit and vegetables, a product that is really good.

Vantini's company has taken charge of this matter for many years, making the primary goal of real quality, directly following the product at all stages of agricultural production and making agronomic choices on this way, for example, avoiding early harvests that alter the natural course of the kiwi to the right sugar content.

The company is in fact famous and appreciated by its customers for its ability to offer a kiwi with excellent organoleptic and nutritional properties, a fruit that we consider prestigious because directly "from our vineyard up to your table".

Contact us

For any questions or just to say hello, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Az. Agr. Vantini F.lli
Società agricola semplice
Via Ca'dell'Albera 6,
37139 Verona (VR)
Tel/ Fax 045 8511294
